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  • ALBY Online Events via ZOOM Video (map)

Stephen Chan
Date: 22 July THU
Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
VENUE: ALBY Online Events via ZOOM
Fee: $10

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. - Romans 15:4

The focus of the book of Revelation is about the enthronement of Jesus. To be caught up in the events of the Antichrist is to miss the main character of the story.

The purpose of the book of Revelation is to encourage us to press on in our faith. To be distracted by the images of beasts and angels is to miss the simple and reassuring message that applies even to the modern Christian today.

The key to understanding this book lies in knowing its audience, context and why it was written, and therefore this talk will show you who the author was writing to, their present circumstances and why he wrote to them.

This talk will also :
- Present you with an easy to understand the layout of the contents of the book
- Suggest ways to approach the text in a practical, straightforward way
- Discuss what we are supposed to do in response to this book

Conducted in an informal and easy-to-follow way, this talk will help you finally remove the cloud of confusion and apprehension over the book of Revelation!


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About Stephen Chan

Stephen Chan, is an experienced Bible teacher who has taught children, youths and adults for more than 10 years, so this won't be another passive Zoom webinar. Instead, expect to be fully engaged in a lively and interactive discussion, with lots of audience activities!
Besides teaching and serving in various ministries, Stephen has also written and published two family devotion books: Christmas: The Rescue Mission and Exams, Bullies and other scary words and regularly writes devotions at his Facebook page

Stephen is married to Cecilia and they have a son Calvin who is already taller than him. The family worships at Bedok Methodist Church.