Episode 24,25 & 26 - Lessons on Wisdom and God's Provision


Episode 24,25 & 26 - Lessons on Wisdom and God's Provision

SGD 19.90

*Currently not available.

Soundtracks and Subtitles available:
English, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish plus English - Audio Description for the Blind.

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Episode 24

The zealots decide to kidnap General Tiberius. Through the Bible stories of Solomon's wisdom with a baby and Paul's Appeal to Caesar, our friends learn the importance of wisdom and finding a different way.

Episode 25

Toadie accuses Portia of being a rebel sympathizer. The Bible stories of Paul's disappearance, and Moses and the Manna from Heaven remind us how important it is to be brave, and that God protects and provides.

Episode 26

With Macky still imprisoned, Tiberius launches the final assault on Jerusalem. Our friends recall the story of Noah and the Ark, and its message of hope, and hear of Paul speaking to Agrippa, reminding us to trust in God.