Episode 18 & 19 - Lessons on God's Provision and Mercy


Episode 18 & 19 - Lessons on God's Provision and Mercy

SGD 19.90

*Currently not available.

Soundtracks and Subtitles available:
English, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish plus English - Audio Description for the Blind.

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Episode 18

Macky sets out to rescue the real Daniel, this time disguised as a Roman noble. Isaac retells the Bible story of Paul and Elymas to underscore the danger of trying to be something you're not, while Macky contrasts the Romans over-abundance and lack of gratitude with his own people's tribulations when he tells Portia the story of Moses and the Miracle Water.

Episode 19

Toadie convinces General Tiberius to allow him to take hostages from the nearby villages, to be executed if Macky doesn't turn himself in. Macky must go into the heart of the Roman camp once again, to try and stop the executions. Our friends retell the Bible stories of how David spared Saul's life, and Paul, Silas and the earthquake, and learn the importance of mercy and doing right.